Innovative Ideas, Practical Solutions

Harness the full potential of technology to enhance growth, improve efficiency, and drive success to your business.

Crafted As You Require

Each business has its distinctive set of challenges and demands. That is why we offer a range of services that are tailored to each client’s individual needs.

Keeping Businesses Moving

Our team of experts combines years of industry experience with cutting-edge technologies to provide our clients with the most innovative and efficient IT solutions possible

Unparalleled Expertise

Our team is composed of highly skilled and experienced developers, designers, and consultants who are enthusiastic about technology and dedicated to delivering outstanding results.

Always On Time, Everytime

We know that downtime can be costly for businesses. That’s why we offer prompt and reliable service to get you up and running as quickly as possible.

Who We Are

IT Solutions From A to Z

We have the expertise to deliver top-notch IT solutions that will align you with your goals.

At Waza Info, our focus is on creating tailored and affordable business and IT services of exceptional quality for our clients. By leveraging our IT expertise, we can help you automate repetitive tasks, gather and analyze data, enhance communication and collaboration, and ensure the security of your digital assets.

Our goal is to provide optimal IT solutions to address the full range of challenges that businesses may encounter in the world of information technology. With a team of exceptional IT and management professionals ready to work as an extension of your team by our side, we deliver custom IT solutions that keep up with your business and grow with you.

Whether you are a small startup looking to launch your first website or a large enterprise in need of complex software solutions, Waza Info is here for you.

Ready to upgrade your IT systems?

Reach out to us and let’s get started with a free consultation.

+1 (913) 638 - 4312

Discover Our Services

Transform Your IT Infrastructure

With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, we strive to help you stay ahead of the curve in the fast-paced world of technology.

IT Consulting

Expert IT consulting services to help you optimize your business’s technology infrastructure.

IT Staffing

IT staffing solutions to connect your company with top-tier talent for your technology needs.

Cloud computing

Store and access data securely and efficiently from anywhere with our cloud computing services

DevOps services

Streamline your development and deployment process and deliver software faster and more reliably.

Data Engineering

Effectively manage and analyze large volumes of data to gain valuable insights.

Sales Force

Optimize your sales processes and maximize revenue.

App Development

Customize mobile and web applications that meet the unique needs of your business and customers.









Our Expert 

Industries We Serve

Finance & insurance

Finance & Insurance

From software development to security solutions, we are committed to developing and implementing innovative solutions tailored to your unique financial as well as insurance needs.

Retail & E-Commerce

Retail & E-commerce

Our range of services, including website development, mobile app development, cloud computing, digital marketing, and more, help you thrive in the competition.



Comprehensive support for everything from software development to cybersecurity and beyond. Run your business smoothly and securely.



Solutions that improve network performance optimize operations, and enhance customer experience. Stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving industry.



From electronic health record management to data analytics and security, we help healthcare organizations optimize their operations, improve patient outcomes, and stay ahead of the technological landscape.

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